The Common Mistakes in Badminton Doubles Pair

As you watch a badminton match or a badminton players on any tournaments, you can see many incorrect badminton techniques and bad habits which beginners pick up, that lead to mistakes and errors which have a tendency to happen when you’re under pressure.

Here are the 5 Habits that I always encounter to notice which are very common in badminton doubles and here are some tips on how you can correct them;

Too Static

Always keep your focus on the game and do not be too static, just because your partner’s doing all the work in a rally, it doesn’t mean you should be patiently standing still and just there waiting for your chance to get involved. You should adjust your court position to anticipate where the shot will go to make the team defense strong and firm. Do not just stand there and wait.

If you are in the front always shift sideways each time the shuttlecock was hit so you can very well cover the main angles of return. If you’re the one at the back you should be somewhere between the center of the court and the hitting opponent’s position to better see and anticipate the shot of your opponent.

Read also this article that will teach you the 5 shots that you need to master.

Too Much Cross-Court Shots

This is the most used shot and it seems like hitting a lot of this is a good idea, but it is a foolish badminton tactic especially if you catch your partner by surprise with your shot. Your opponent has more time than you probably realize because hitting too many of this cross-court shots, your opponents may have to move further to get to it but the shuttlecock has further to go too and the shuttlecocks slow down a lot towards the end of their flight making it easy to return and give you a less time to react.

If you hit a cross-court and your opponent anticipates it you are doomed, he’ll usually have open space to hit it straight into and then your partner will be most likely caught off guard because when the shuttlecock flight became slow your opponent can do a lot of tricks with their shots. Like drop shots, clear, and net plays.

Serving Badly

A low serve is crucial in a badminton doubles. Doubles is an attacking game so good opponents will try to attack your serves, putting you under lots of pressure. It will be impossible for a doubles team to win if they made a lot of serving mistakes, if you serve out, into the net, or so high that your serves are regularly killed, then it will give your opponent a lot of free points. Two mistake is forgivable but more than that is too much it can cause you the game. All you need to do about this mistake is to practice hitting serves and be ready to return it back once your opponent hit it back successfully.

Bad Footwork

The key in badminton doubles is the footwork, this is most probably the most important and critical technique in singles. If you can dash, stop, and change direction at will with speed and swiftness, and move with economy then you will have a big advantage, and will find rest of the game much easier.
One way to understand the right footwork techniques style is to watch the top and professional players in action.

Train and train until your idols became your rivals. There’s no better thing to do to correct a mistake than to make sure that you find time practicing and enjoying the game that you love. 

Dominate The Game!
