Correct Badminton Training Routines

So we were able to expose the bad habits and the mistakes that some players are always doing in a badminton game. We were also able to dissect the things that you need to focus on to be a more competitive and better badminton player. 

It always fall to this. When we pick up a sport, it is easy to stop on a certain level of play like for example you already know the game by heart and you cannot be tagged as a beginner because you have the skills to play on a higher level but then it easy to stagnate at a certain level and resign yourself to the fact that you may not be really amazing at the spot. Why?

Because most people do not know how to become better and how to make themselves commit to getting better so inertia just takes over.

And we don’t want that to happen to you.

First things first. You need to go back to the fundamentals it is a cliché to tell this but you need to master the fundamentals, start with the very basic things that you tend to take for granted like hitting a shuttlecock, running, dashing, swinging your racquet, and playing form. Because that is the only way that you can master the more advanced skills too. 

Read also article: Common Badminton Training Mistakes and How to Correct Them.

We list all the straightforward and basic exercises that you can start to add to your training routines to take your game to the next level. All your idols have exerted incredible efforts with these simple exercises before they even start hitting the shuttles.

Focus On Your Footwork Kid

Because badminton is similar to all highly competitive sports, badminton footwork is such an essential part of the game and it directly affects your strokes, so you need to focus on these more before even trying to add more and more power in your smashes.

Read also article: Badminton Common Faults.

Here are the exercises that you need to do and that aimed at improving your fitness and endurance;

1. Jog

Always jog at least 3 days a week for less than 45 minutes. Take note that endurance is a key factor in badminton and the more stamina you have in your tank the longer the game you can play, and that gives you a better chance of winning any game, you may be able to constantly retrieve shots without tiring out.

2. Shadow Playing

Practice shadow playing like you are matching up with Lee Chong Wei or Lin Dan, it will allow you to visualize yourself how to move and react until it becomes instinctual. If you can master this, you won’t have to consciously worry about the footwork needed in real game situations.

3. Skip

Try to make yourself active, Skip for at least 20 minutes a day. This exercise will help you train to be more comfortable on your toes, helping to keep your feet light and nimble so that you can also move swiftly.

4. Quiet Steps

You can measure the quality of the footwork by observing the noise that you make when you move and land. The lesser the sound, the better you are at absorbing pressure, and the weight of your body and keeping your balance.

5. Stretch

One more thing about training and exercise. Yes you need to stretch your body and warm it up for at least 10 to 15 minutes before training or badminton match but a lot of players tend to forget that it is also important that you stretch even after the game or most importantly after your training so that you lessen the muscle fatigue.

Take note of this cool and helpful training routines and make yourself a better and a more competitive badminton player. Don’t let yourself be contended on where you are now. There is a thin fine line between good and better so don’t settle being the good one. 

Aim to be on the top by passion and dedication. The secret to success is in your practice. But let’s rephrase the overly used line. “Practice Makes Perfect” actually yes but this one is better. “Perfect Practice Makes Perfect” so be sure that you are doing the right thing in your training and practices.

Train until your idols become your rivals and Dominate The Game!
